Deaconess Ministry – assists with caring for the sick and needy & the preparation of Holy Communion.
Sunday School Ministry – is responsible for the administration of Christian Education through the implementation of Sunday School, Vacation Bible School and skits held during Sunday School worship hours.
Youth Coordinators Ministry – serves as advocates for the youth, coordinate all youth activities for the church body and ensure that the Spirit and Love of Christ is shown to all the children of God.
Children’s Church Ministry – implements a Christian Education Program held during morning worship for children ages 2-12 on the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Sundays of each month. They host “Children’s Time” during morning worship on each 3rd Sunday.
Intercessory Prayer Ministry – go to God in prayer, interceding on behalf of the Pastor, officials, and the entire church body on each Sunday morning. They also hold special intercessory prayer sessions for specific upcoming events throughout the year.
Music & Dance Ministry – uplift the name of Jesus in song & dance.
- Senior Spiritual Choir
- Inspirational Choir
- Mass Choir
- Youth Choir
- Male Chorus
- Praise Team
- Youth Praise Team
- Dance Ministry
Hospitality Ministry – prepare and serve food for various functions held at the church.
Ushers Ministry – is the official representative of Jesus Christ seen by people as they enter God’s house. They are obligated to assist members and guests during worship service with any special needs they might have.
Pastor’s Aide Ministry – attend to the needs of the Pastor as he attends to the business of the church.
Nurses’ Ministry – dedicated to helping those in need during services. They administer basic medical attention, assess the needs of any worshipper in distress and request emergency medical technicians when required.
Piney Grove Messenger Editorial Ministry – create and publish the Piney Grove Messenger, a quarterly newsletter.
Announcers Ministry – inform worshippers of upcoming events during morning worship.
New Members Welcome Ministry – Aid in the official registration of each member by collecting information that is provided to the Church Secretary. They provide new members with information concerning the ministries of the church and its activities.
Greeters Ministry – welcome and register visitors as they enter into the church prior to worship services. They are the first point of contact for visitors when they enter the church.
Publications Ministry – responsible for coordinating the media advertising and church announcements given to radio and television stations and printing media to publicize upcoming events.
Drama Ministry – spreads the Word through drama with skits, plays, and readings for all occasions.
Van/Transportation Ministry – provide transportation for members and guests to Sunday School and worship services. They coordinate transportation for trips & outings for various ministries and events.
Audio & Video Ministry – sound technicians and camera operators record church services and special events. They are responsible for providing the recording for our weekly radio broadcast and our Featured Sermon, here on the web site. They also provide sound & video services for special events, crusades, weddings, etc. This ministry is responsible for providing Audio & Video of services to members and visitors upon request for a fee.
Library Ministry – provides books, audio cassettes, video tapes, cds and dvds for members to check out to enhance their spiritual growth. This ministry operates under the direction of the Sunday School Ministry.
Photography Ministry – a youth ministry that teaches youth about photography while also teaching them about their christian duties. Look for some of their photos here on the web in the near future.